Teaching and research

Teaching and research

    Professor Long Ran from Beijing Normal University came to the College of Physical Science and Technology to carry out academic exchange

    日期:2024-09-25Source: Faculty of Physical Science and Technology Number of page views:

    On the morning of September 18, Professor Long Ran from the School of Chemistry of Beijing Normal University was invited to the School of Physical Science and Technology to carry out academic exchange and gave an academic report entitled "Excited state Carrier Dynamics of Condensed phase Materials"。The report was presided over by Song Peng, assistant dean of the school, and the faculty and graduate students listened carefully to the report。

    In his presentation, Professor Long shared his latest research progress on the mechanism of the influence of diabatic effects on excited carrier dynamics。Diabatic effect significantly affects excited carrier dynamics and plays a key role in photophysical and photochemical processes。The report focuses specifically on charge and spin relaxation dynamics in semiconductor materials,Combined with Bi2Te3 and CrI3 examples,The physical mechanism of carrier scattering in momentum space is discussed from three perspectives: the non-adiabatic dynamics with electroacoustic coupling and the non-adiabatic dynamics beyond electroacoustic coupling,And the momentum space non-adiabatic dynamic analysis based on transcendental harmonic approximation。These studies analyze and reveal the carrier scattering process and physical mechanism in momentum space。

    After the report, Professor Long Ran patiently answered everyone's questions。This report broadens the research ideas for teachers and students, and provides a basis for further understanding of the carrier scattering process in momentum space。At the same time, Professor Long Ran introduced the situation of his research team and discussed the future cooperation prospects of the two sides in postgraduate enrollment and joint training。

    Long Ran is a professor at the School of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University and a distinguished professor of the Ministry of Education。His research interests include the realization of multi-degree-of-freedom coupled non-adiabatic dynamics method and the theoretical study of excited state carrier dynamics of condensed phase materials。To the first or corresponding (including co-authors) in J. Am. Chem. Soc.(21) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(3) and Nano Lett.(8) Published more than 160 papers in other journals, H-index = 58 (according to Google Academic), currently serving as J. Phys. Chem. Lett.Associate editor。

    Written by Zhang Ting, Edited by Zhang Yajing, edited by Zhang Wei